Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Count Down to Auction

Final preparations are underway for our 5th annual auction - big date February 7th!
Tonight I worked on the signage, signs for registration, signs telling when the silent auctions closed,etc. One error we made last year was that we failed to share our mission with our attendees. I'm afraid that some new guests last year left our event unsure of our mission and what condition they had helped by attending.

Tonight I worked on a poster which I hope illustrates the building FSH research collaboration which our donors & supporters have helped to create. With the funds from our first auction in 2005, researchers from the University of Washington were brought into the field of FSH. Since then, additional scientists from the University of Washington, the Fred Hutchinson Research Center and Children's Hospital have come together to study FSH Muscular Dystrophy. In the past 5 years we have seen this group grow & build a collaborative relationship with researchers elsewhere.

With funding so limited, these researchers are maximizing every dollar by sharing ideas, reagents and data. Although we have far to go to develop a treatment, we have reason to be hopeful.

As my poster states, "the dreams of yesterday are the hopes of today and the reality of tomorrow." With research, a reality of a better future for those with FSH is indeed possible.

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